The CIRCLES project received the IEEE ITS Lead Institutional award 2024, for “significant and outstanding contributions to the research and applications of ITS-related technologies”. This project was a collaboration between several institutions including Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, UC Berkeley, Rutgers University, Vanderbilt University and Temple University. The aim of the project is to reduce congestion and energy consumption… Read more »
Julien Guyon was interviewed live on French TV on August 29, 2024 to comment on the new format of the UEFA Champions League (L’Equipe du Soir, on La chaîne L’Equipe). You can see the replay here (from 11’45” to 22′). Julien Guyon was also interviewed by the daily sports newspaper L’Equipe, both in the print and online versions.
A. Ern’s paper on Bridging the hybrid high-order and hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods (M2AN, 2016, with B. Cockburn and D. Di Pietro) was one of the three papers in Numerical Analysis receiving the Frontiers of Science Award at the International Congress of Basic Science (Beijing, 2024).
CERMICS is delighted to announce the opening of the Cauchy postdoctoral fellowship. Please visit the dedicated webpage for more information.
Julien Guyon is invited to discuss with Rémi Carmignani, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite and Arthur Guillot-Le Goff how scientific innovations contribute to the development of athletic performance, to the creation of a better and fairer sporting environment, and to the creation of sustainable infrastructures for competitions. Watch the video here.
The Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI), located on the campus of the University of Chicago, hosts a program on “Data-Driven Materials Informatics” from March 4th to May 24th. Materials informatics is an emerging field defined by the use of simulation tools combined with methods from data sciences and machine learning to better understand materials properties and design innovative… Read more »
Loucas Pillaud-Vivien joined the Applied Probability team at CERMICS on January the 2nd 2024. His research focuses on understanding the high-dimensional stochastic dynamics underlying the optimization procedures inherent to modern machine learning algorithms. He obtained his PhD at ENS/Inria Paris in 2020 under the supervision of Francis Bach and did his postdoctoral work at EPFL with Nicolas Flammarion, and then… Read more »
On December 18, 2023, Julien Guyon was live on the French TV network La chaîne L’Équipe. In what might well be a TV world premiere, he commented on the draw probabilities of the UEFA Champions League, Europa League, and Europa Conference League, and how they evolve during the draw. Due to the draw constraints and draw procedure, the probabilities are not easy… Read more »
Virginie Ehrlacher received the 2023 Irène Joliot-Curie Prize in the “Young Female Scientist” category. Created in 2001 by the French Ministry of Research, the Irène Joliot-Curie Prize is designed to promote the role of women in research and technology in France. It highlights the exemplary careers of women in science who combine excellence and dynamism. It is awarded by the… Read more »
The 7th edition of KIRO was organized at Ecole des Ponts on Thursday 9th November. KIRO is a hackathon centering on techniques and applications of operations research. This unique event among the French Grandes Ecoles is organized each year by the operation research group at CERMICS (Axel Parmentier and his PhD students) together with the Club Informatique de l’École des Ponts,… Read more »