Une série de séminaires de recherche organisés à l’École autour de la science de la donnée.
Vendredi 14 février 2025, 11h30 (salle B004)
Curating and Mining Large-Scale Human Mobility Data: Linking Transport Research and Disaster Recovery
Vincent Gauthier, Télécom SudParis
Rapid urbanization is generating an increasing number of travel flows, which is driving the need for efficient transportation planning policies. In parallel, mobile phone data has emerged as the largest source of mobility data, but is not yet integrated into transportation planning models. Currently, transport authorities lack a global picture of daily passenger flows in multimodal transport networks. Through several use cases, we will show how mobile phone metadata can be used to analyze human mobility at scale. Second, we will focus on a specific use case where bank transaction data can be used as a proxy for mobility information to understand behavioral changes during crises (El Niño events in Peru). El Niño is an extreme weather event associated with unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. This phenomenon is characterized by heavy rains and floods that negatively affect economic activities in the affected areas. Understanding how this phenomenon affects consumption patterns at different levels of granularity is essential for recommending strategies to normalize the situation.
Programme 2024–2025
- Vendredi 13 décembre 2024, 11h30 (salle F206, Coriolis) : Yvon Maday, Plongée dans les eaux usées pour connaitre l’évolution des épidémies.
- Vendredi 14 février 2025, 11h30 (salle B004) : Vincent Gauthier, Curating and Mining Large-Scale Human Mobility Data: Linking Transport Research and Disaster Recovery.
- Vendredi 18 avril 2025, 11h30 (salle B004) : Serge Fdida, présentation du projet SLICES, première plateforme européenne de test pour les sciences du numérique.
- Vendredi 13 juin 2025, 11h30 (salle B004) : Denis Trystram, évaluation de l’impact environnemental des simulations numériques.
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Virginie Ehrlacher, Julien Reygner, Giulia Sambataro, Daphné Tuncer