Hadrien Vroylandt

Since January 2024, I am a postdoctoral researcher in computational statistical physics working with Gabriel Stoltz and Tony Lelièvre at CERMICS (École des Ponts) and MATHERIALS (INRIA Paris). I am also collaborating with Céline Chizallet and Pascal Raybaud from IFPEN.

I am working on MAMABIO project on PEPR B-BEST (Biomasse, biotechnologies, technologies pour la chimie verte et les énergies renouvelables), focusing on the catalytic dehydration of butanols.


(Carbenium-water complex resulting from isobutanol dehydration)


You can find a list of my publications on Scholar.

Short CV

2020-2023: Postdoctoral fellow, Institut des Sciences du Calcul et de Données, Sorbonne UniversitéProject team: MAESTRO lead by Marco Saitta. Generalized Langevin equations and stochastic sampling.

2018-2020: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University. Supervisor: Todd Gingrich

2015-2020: PhD in Theoretical Physics, Thermodynamics and fluctuations of small machines, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d’Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, under the direction of Gatien Verley and Henrik-Jan Hilhorst


For further information, you can reach me at hadrien.vroylandt(at)enpc.fr