Data Transitions

Une série de séminaires de recherche organisés à l’École autour de la science de la donnée.

Vendredi 11 avril 2025, 11h30 (salle F206, bâtiment Coriolis)

SLICES: First sustainable scientific instrument for research in digital infrastructures

Serge Fdida, Sorbonne Université

The scientific community engaged in the research of future generation networks and systems is lacking advanced and sustainable tools to evidence their research, accelerate the discovery process by sharing their data as well as support reproducibility. This first implies that academic research hardly competes with large industry. Second, it becomes almost impossible to handle the pace of academic scientific production, largely data-driven thanks to the fast application of AI/ML, but that is hard to validate. SLICES is the first initiative structured as a scientific instrument, under the umbrella of the European ESFRI framework, sustainable, aiming to cover the full research large cycle. SLICES-RI is intent-driven and facilitates the entire lifecycle of thought experiments. This is achieved by enabling reproducible deployment of experiments over the infrastructure using blueprints and by systematically collecting and archiving all outputs through a clear and structured methodology for experimentation. In particular, our SLICES-RI Post5G BluePrint encompasses all the needs for Post-5G experimental research that is meant to be O-RAN compliant.
This talk will introduce the instrument, its community, academy and roadmap. It will emphasize its openness and potential for cooperation.


Programme 2024–2025

  • Vendredi 13 décembre 2024, 11h30 (salle F206, Coriolis) : Yvon Maday, Plongée dans les eaux usées pour connaitre l’évolution des épidémies.
  • Vendredi 14 février 2025, 11h30 (salle B004) : Vincent Gauthier, Curating and Mining Large-Scale Human Mobility Data: Linking Transport Research and Disaster Recovery.
  • Vendredi 11 avril 2025, 11h30 (salle F206) : Serge Fdida, SLICES: First sustainable scientific instrument for research in digital infrastructures.
  • Vendredi 13 juin 2025, 11h30 (salle B004) : Denis Trystram, évaluation de l’impact environnemental des simulations numériques.

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Guillaume Dalle, Virginie Ehrlacher, Julien Reygner, Daphné Tuncer